From: Armand Morin
Re: Internet Marketing Explained
If you've answered yes, then I know this page is the page you've been waiting for all your life. Finally, the curtain will be parted and you'll truly see the secrets of building an online business.
Let me be straight to the point with you.
If you're looking for a get rich quick scheme or if you're not looking to start a real business, then leave right now. This isn't for you and as gift for looking here's a tip. Keep that day job because you're going to need it.
If you're looking to cut through all the bull**** and are truly ready to start building a business you and your family can be proud of, then I know we've met at the right time in your life.
I'm about to introduce you to the opportunity you've always wished for.
Let me tell you a story first...
In 1996 I just sold a company I started just a few months earlier to American Nortel. Let me give you a little bit of advice, don't take stock when you sell a company. To say the least I just sold this company and what did I have to show for it? Nothing. I was living in a studio apartment in Biloxi, Mississippi, because that was all that I could afford.
I was smart enough to keep two things from this company.
1.) My desk, which was good because that was about the only furniture I had.
2.) My computer.
I had heard all these great things about the Internet but never figured out exactly what it was. I didn't even know how to get on the Internet. I knew you needed one of those disks which always came in the mail, so I grabbed one and hooked up an America Online Account.
Why did I Need 5 Internet Accounts? It's because I couldn't even figure out HOW to get on the Internet. You have one up on me with the mere fact that you have made it to this web page. Heck, I couldn't have even done that.
Bill Gates made a statement back then to the
"If your business is not on the Internet, then your business
will be out of business."
My first day online I realized one important thing and that was that people were selling products and services over the Internet. That's when it hit me. All I had to do was simply find a product that people wanted and I too could make money over the Internet.
Back then, you were 100% on your own. There wasn't information anywhere about how to make money online. Internet Marketing was barely a term and few people even knew how to do it right. There weren't any seminars, teleseminars or courses you could buy immediately and learn what and how to build a business.
That Was Nearly 12 Years Ago, Yet It Seems Like Yesterday.
Hi Armand, Paul Colligan here from in Portland, Oregon.
Internet Marketing Explained is very different for one main
reason. I don’t know if everybody catches it and it is so very
important. Internet Marketing Explained is the whole story.
It’s how blogs fit into affiliate marketing, fit into email, fit
into producing your own products. It’s how all this stuff is
intertwined that is so important, and that’s where the money is.
I don’t know anybody doing well in this space who has mastered
one tiny, little aspect of it. It’s how all this stuff flows
together, which is where the money is. That’s what you’ve done
with Internet Marketing Explained. It’s brilliant stuff. I’ve
gone over parts of it multiple times, and I just couldn’t be any
more impressed.
Great job, sir and thank you so much, for this gift.
Paul Colligan
Me Speaking in Front of 4,000 People In England
Why am I telling you this? Not to brag (I don’t need to), but to let you know that Internet Marketing is a real business.
Hi Armand, Lou Dalo here from
I’m just calling to say thanks for
creating the Internet Marketing Explained course. Talk about
seriously over-delivering — IME is a total brain dump of
apparently every tactic, strategy and tool that you use
personally to make your millions online.
I know a lot of these things are your most closely guarded
secrets, so I’ve got to ask, “Dude are you sure you want to
release this product?” Selfishly, I’d be happy if you’d just
let us AM2 folks have it so we have a huge competitive
advantage, because the fact is, I don’t need to buy another
Internet marketing book or course at this point — IME is my
complete Internet marketing library.
Any questions I have, I just go straight to the audio on that
topic and usually in minutes I not only have an answer but
oftentimes, it’s the world-class, multi-million dollar answer
that got real world results for you. Give me real world results
over fluff and theory any day of the week.
Armand, you always say, “Success Leaves Traces.” Well,
IME doesn’t just leave traces, it draws the complete treasure
map to finding Internet gold. I certainly wish I’d had this when
I first started online, because it would have saved me countless
hours, thousands of dollars, all that trial and error and I
guess, probably more than just a few strands of hair.
Anyway, I recommend this to anyone who wants to learn more about
what really works in Internet marketing, learn from someone
who’s doing it very successfully. Whether you’re a newbie or
seasoned veteran, you’ll find great information here.
Thanks, Armand. Great work! As always, I appreciate you. Take
Lou Dalo
This is a pretty bold statement to make, but it is 100% true.
If you're like me, I'm sure you've purchased a course or two in your life only to find out that it wasn't complete. It didn't give you all the "how to" details that it promised.
What is even more sad, is the fact that the course focused on only one aspect. What I'm referring to is that Internet Marketing is a Multi-Prong Business. It does not work from only one angle. You must attack it from many directions in order to create the success you want.
There are many basic aspects...
Just to name a few. My point is you MUST know about all of these aspects in order to completely understand this business. If you know only one or two, you're like a table with only 3 legs.
Here's a typical scenario...
A person creates an online business and they focus all of their energy solely on driving traffic to their websites. Certainly, traffic is a must in creating online sales. But what they are doing is wasting their time.
All the traffic in the world does you no good unless you can convert the people visiting your websites in to sales.
Traffic is just one component. You need to understand conversion strategies as well. Understanding the process of how to turn a prospect into a customer is of vital importance. Without this, you are just spinning your wheels and hoping you go somewhere.
Another pitfall many people run into is thinking that there is only one way in order to create income online.
Are you an idiot?
This is Clydette Clayton of from Atlanta, Georgia.
Internet Marketing Explained is an outstanding resource. It
covers every aspect of Internet Marketing in great detail
providing examples and specific URLs.
I have listened to every minute of
it and have repeatedly returned to it every time I’ve needed to
clarify a point. Internet Marketing Explained has guided me to
get my Internet marketing business up and running. No
experienced or aspiring Internet marketer should be without it.
Clydette Clayton
The definition of a business is... "the purchase and sales of goods in an attempt to make a profit."
The interesting thing about this definition is that it does not say WHAT you should sell. I'm referring to the fact that many people are close minded about where their money comes from. They are not open to supplementing their CORE BUSINESS with additional revenue.
Your CORE business is defined as the main focus of your time and energy. In many people's terms, what you are passionate about.
You ANCILLARY business is what you to create additional revenue. It may have nothing to do with your CORE business. You could call this simply taking advantage of opportunity when you see it.
What? You didn't want to hear that? I could lie to to you and I hate to use a cliché but, putting all your eggs in one basket is way to risky. Repeat after me and alwasy remember this, "Security is in mass."
Let's look at a simple example...
If you have 5 products which you are marketing online, and one of them stops selling, you just lost 20% of your income. Now if you have 100 products and 1 product stops selling, you've only lost 1% of your come and you probably didn't even know it.
I firmly believe in Income Diversification and that is the exact reason why I DO NOT teach you just one method, but I teach EVERY SINGLE METHOD I use to generate income from the Internet.
Many of these techniques, I have never shared before ANYWHERE. You'll get a first-hand look at the method and an extremely detailed plan of the steps I took and more importantly, how you you can duplicate my results.
Hi, this is Marco Landreville at
I’ve just started a few months ago in the Internet business and
at the time, I didn’t have any products or services. I didn’t
know how to make a web page. I was far from being a marketer. I
took the Internet Marketing Explained course, then applied the
techniques and strategies to create my own product. Now, I’m
able to offer online data backup and web hosting.
What I like about the course is that it covers every aspect of
the Internet business. Now that I have implemented the basics
and started a good foundation, I can build and grow my business
using the more advanced techniques also included in the course.
Honestly, the IME course is an information product that you have
to have. Believe me, it’s going to pay for itself. This is
serious, actual information that you’re able to implement and
apply right away. I was looking for something to help me focus,
something that would actually make a difference in starting my
business, and that’s exactly what I found in the IME course.
Without this course, it would have taken me years and a huge
amount of money to get to the point where I am now. The Internet
Marketing Explained course is most definitely my key to success.
Marco Landreville
If you think that having a business online requires you to become a webmaster, that's where you are dead wrong. Sure it can help to have some technical ability, but having to do all the work yourself is not what I would advise and here's why.
When you are the one in charge of your website, design and graphics, this is taking the time away from your marketing. The marketing aspect of your business is where you make the money. These other elements are important, but you MUST UNDERSTAND, you are not a webmaster.
So what do you do? Outsource!
I will teach you inside of Internet Marketing Explained exactly how I outsource all of the things which I don't want to do.
Big business outsources. Now, I don't believe in everything which big business does, but I do believe that you can use the technique of outsourcing to make your business dramatically easier to build.
Most people don't teach exactly how to do this correctly, because they don't know how to do it. I go into detail of how to do it, and EXACTLY THE STEPS which you have to take in order to duplicate my results.
Hi, this is Ruby Yeh of, and we
produce multimedia eBooks that can double and triple your email
Whether you’re a newbie or experienced Internet marketer, if you
want to shorten your learning curve and achieve immediate and
measurable results, you need Armand’s Internet Marketing Explained
Armand is one of the absolute best in his field. He’s a
brilliant marketer, but he’s unique because he’s a technical jock
who keeps up with all the latest developments. So as students, we
get the benefit of learning what to do marketing-wise and what’s
important, plus Armand also lays out what we need to do technically,
step-by-step in user-friendly terms.
Even a techno-dummy such as
myself can do it.
I love having IME at my fingertips because it’s tons of the best
information. It’s also a relief for me to know that I don’t have to
learn it all at once. Anytime I need to execute something new or
develop new programs, the IME course from Armand is always available
to me.
If you want to have your own Internet fast-track training, get your
own copy of IME right away.
This is Ruby Yeh wishing you the best of success from
Ruby Yeh
Yes, I literally take you inside my business and I show you step-by-step EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of what I'm doing. This is the EXACT same techniques I currently use in my business.
This project wasn't something I just threw together and figured I'd sell it. That was not the intent.
Hi, this is Dr. Jeanette Cates, the Online Success Mentor.
I’ve been following Armand’s advice
and courses for several years. Everything I’ve implemented from
him has made me money, which is why I’m so excited about
Internet Marketing Explained and what it can do for you.
I had a chance to listen in on the original course which was
excellent. Since then, Armand and his team have transcribed,
re-arranged, polished and truly enhanced an already great
This is definitely the definitive
guide to Internet marketing. Take advantage of Armand’s
insight and unique approach to Internet marketing today, because
you won’t find a better product.
Dr. Jeanette Cates
Hi, it’s Craig Perrine from Austin,
Texas, I want to say a few words endorsing
Internet Marketing Explained. I know a lot of people are looking for
a single source of information that’s going to explain every
aspect of Internet marketing for their business. I believe that
Internet Marketing Explained is that resource.
I’ve been online since 2002 and what I’ve implemented for myself and
my clients from Armand’s training has made me and saved me quite
frankly, thousands and thousands of dollars. You can quickly find
the answer you need if you’ve got a problem you’re trying to solve,
or if you're really starting at square one you literally can go
through from start to finish and you’ll know exactly what to do.
This is probably impossible to over exaggerate how important that
particular aspect of this is. Everything is explained, hence the
name of the course. I want to make sure that you know how
accurate that is for the material.
I’ve recommend this course to my own subscribers, my own list of
newsletter subscribers, on my blog and to my coaching students,
because I want them to finally have the same advantage I’ve had,
because I’ve been studying Armand and working with him and have
been in his coaching program for years.
The bottom line is Armand’s a straight shooter. He teaches
things in a simple, easy to follow step-by-step method, and he
shares the same methods he used to build a business that generates
millions of dollars a year.
Needless to say, I highly recommend that anyone serious about
marketing online get this course. Plug into Armand’s proven, highly
effective system and just watch the results. It’s amazing. I
recommend it without any reservation, so definitely get Internet
Marketing Explained.
Craig Perrine
As you can see Internet Marketing Explained is NOT just some lightly thrown together course. This literally is the most comprehensive course ever developed on Internet Marketing.
"I highly recommend the IME course."
Hello, it’s Steve Rosenbaum from in Austin, Texas. I just want to tell you how
much I’m enjoying IME — Internet Marketing Explained.
Armand, everything you’ve taught me during the past year has
helped my business skyrocket. IME is a part of everything I do.
I often listen to the audios and find they’re right on target
with everything I’m working on for the day.
Thanks for the great work, Armand. Keep it up!
I highly recommend the IME course.
Steve Rosenbaum
"You’ll be thankful for it many times over. "
Hi, my name is Stu McLaren from
As you can probably tell from that
domain name, I’m an idea guy. I love great ideas, but as Armand
has taught me, there’s a major problem with that. Ideas by
themselves are never going to make you any money. The real value
lies in the implementation and execution of those ideas.
One of the great things about the Internet Marketing Explained
course is Armand shows you exactly how to take your original
idea and start turning it into a profitable business venture as
quickly as possible. He has taken a ton of information and
boiled it down to the fundamentals of what you need to do today
in order to get started with your ideas and your business, and
so forth.
He brings a ton of focus, and that has really been
valuable to me as an online entrepreneur. So, if you're like me
and you’ve got a ton of great ideas, then you need to get a copy
of this course. I mean, it’s the ultimate reference guide for
online success. And, it is huge. I mean, huge.
Even though I haven’t gone through all of it, I love the fact
that when I’m ready to add another component, strategy or tactic
to my business. I can go to my bookshelf, pull down the
corresponding Internet Marketing Explained binder and flip to
the appropriate section, because it has nice, easy tabs so I can
get to what I want to read or go through right away. Then I can
learn exactly what I need to do to get started, because he
outlines it step-by-step.
It has helped me implement a lot fast, a lot quicker and a
whole lot easier. I like to call it my bookshelf mentor
because whenever I need help, it’s there. I recommend you get a
copy of this course because you will never, ever in my opinion,
have to go anywhere else, because he has a ton of information
Armand covers pretty everything you
need to know about succeeding online — it’s in this course.
Grab yourself a copy today. You’ll be thankful for it many times
Hi, this is Christina Hills, the
Shopping Cart Queen. I’ve been, completely blown away by
Internet Marketing Explained. Armand Morin is an amazing
marketer. He’s amazing, because he seems to know everything
about the Internet. Any time I have a question or there’s
something I need to know he, not only knows the answer, but he’s
done it.
If you’re just getting started on the Internet or are already an
experienced businessperson, I highly recommend you get Internet
Marketing Explained.
Christina Hills
Hi, this is Dr. Kenny Handelman from
Oak Vale, Canada and I wanted to share my
perspectives on Armand Morin’s Internet Marketing Explained.
First, I’ll tell you that I like to learn from the best. When I
went through University and medical education, I always found
the best teachers and mentors to help me to propel forward in my
When I wanted to learn about information marketing and helping
people through the power of the Internet to learn about their
health and improve their lives, I found Armand as a mentor and a
teacher. Armand Morin is a brilliant man. He has an incredible
ability to take complex ideas and strategies and create very
simple steps that can be implemented easily.
Here’s one example. I used two of Armand’s strategies from
Internet Marketing Explained for my blog and within a couple of
weeks my Google page rank went up, jumping me into the top
ranking for several search terms that are quite competitive in
my niche. I have been using Armand’s advice to increase my
number of products, change how I market them, improve it ,and
it’s been growing quite rapidly month-by-month.
Here is what I would say to you. If
you want to learn how to make money online, how to sell
information products or market anything on the Internet, then
Internet Marketing Explained is an outstanding course. You’ll
gain access to all of Armand’s secret strategies and the
techniques that have worked for him. I’m telling you, don’t
hesitate, get your hands on a copy of Internet Marketing
Explained now!
Kenny Handelman
Hi, this is Jose Espana from If you want to be a profitable online business or expand an existing business faster than you ever dreamed possible, then you must look at Internet Marketing Explained.
My friend and mentor, Armand Morin is an expert on Internet Marketing. In this course, he will show you step-by-step in an easy-to-understand way everything you need to know to make money online.
I used these strategies to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars every year on the Internet and I recommend this course, because it will help you increase your online income to any level you want. You're just one click away from learning the secrets that the top Internet marketers use to generate thousands of dollars every single day.
Don’t get left behind and click on the order button now.
I can almost guarantee you've purchased a product or a service and after the sale you were left all alone. Maybe you tried to contact the company with your additional questions, but they just didn't respond. Or maybe, you were told that the product is complete in itself and if you don't understand it, it's your fault.
I guarantee I will not leave you out in the cold. I have a full-time staff which will be available to you to answer all your questions about Internet Marketing Explained. If you don't understand something after trying it yourself, just contact us with your question and we'll walk you through it step-by-step.
Hi, my name is Laurren Schmoyer, and
I own
I’m so impressed with how much information is packed into Armand
Morin’s Internet Marketing Explained. He explains how we should
build our sites, create a blog, get traffic, and much more. He
does this in a way that is easily followed. He breaks everything
down into simple formats, making it easy to understand.
Armand has found, through trial and error, the fastest and
best ways on the Internet for you to make money. He’s made
money — vf money using these exact same techniques he
teaches us. All we have to do is follow his instructions.
This program is worth every penny I paid for it, no question.
It’s packed with tons of information that answered all my
questions. I recommend it to anyone interested in making money.
Get this program now!
Laurren Schmoyer
There are
NO OTHER SPEAKERS. Just me teaching you these
techniques and showing you LIVE on the stage EXACTLY how to
implement this into your business.
The important part of about this training, is that it's just you and me for 3 full days from dawn till dusk. There will be no other speakers teaching, just me.
You will see me take each of these elements in Internet Marketing Explained and do them live in front of you and you'll be able to ask any questions you have throughout the process.
Let's put it this way. These days, I normally turn down any coaching opportunities because I'm too busy putting into action exactly what I preach.
This is your opportunity to get the training that you need. I can almost guarantee that I'll have even more exciting information to share at this event outside of IME.
Many people from around the world have paid $1997 to hear me for 3 days. You get to have me teach you for 3 full days absolutely FREE when you take advantage of Internet Marketing Explained Today!
I'm so confident that this is the MOST COMPREHENSIVE COURSE EVER developed, I am going to do 8 weeks of Answer Videos.
If there is anything I've left out, you will be able to give us your input and request we do a video showing whatever. We will pick the common questions from among the group and each week I will put together a video showing you exactly how to do it.
Imagine, getting 8 Weeks of Training In Addition to Internet Marketing Explained!
Hi, this is Anita Smith in DeWitt, Michigan with
Armand has taught me to go ahead, take action and implement what I’ve learned up to that point. Armand says, “Don’t wait until you know how to do everything before you take action. The answers will come when you’re ready, Anita. Just take action with what you do know.”
Internet Marketing Explained has helped me come this far, which makes me very excited about the re-launch of Internet Marketing Explained, because when Armand talks, I listen!
Anita Smith
Could you build a successful Internet business on your own without Internet Marketing Explained? Sure you could, but why? But, why?
Why should you go through all the trouble, trials and tribulations that I did?
Let me make a pretty bold statement. In today's day and age for anyone to learn through trial and error is completely absurd. To add to that, especially, when you have someone right in front of you who has take the time to lay it all out for you in a complete step-by-step format which is ready for you right now.
Here's What You'll Receive Today
Here's What You'll Receive Today! | ||
1. |
Internet Marketing Explained 34 CDs Almost 900 Pages of The Latest Internet Strategies |
$1997 |
2. |
3 Day Live IME Seminar (If you can't make you'll receive the recordings online.) |
$1997 |
4. |
Generator Software Products 4 Of My Most Popular Software Products |
$394 |
Right Now EverythingONLY $1997or 2 Payments of $1098.50Click This Link To Place Your Order Right Now |
a.) You can continue on at your own pace and buy the little products here and there that will help you along the way. Someday you may build a business which will support you.
b.) You can make the same decision which thousands of people have already made and that is to let me teach you. Let me be your guide, hold your hand and give you the instruction and training which you rightfully deserve.
YES! I want to learn the exact strategies and techniques which Armand Morin has used to create a Multi-Million Dollar Business.
- I understand I will receive the physical product of Internet Marketing Explained including, 34 CDs and over 900 pages of the best training information available.
- I will also receive 1 ticket to the Internet Marketing Explained Seminar to be held on March 7th, 8th and 9th.
Best of Success,
Armand Morin
P.S. - Place your order now and we can guarantee you a seat at the Internet Marketing Explained Seminar. You don't want to miss this. I will teach you live for 3 full days!
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